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Revision 202 Mar 2010 - Main.RachelFogg

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No abstract yet available.
In the analysis of optimal control problems with state constraints, a key step (establishing `metric regularity') is to show that an arbitrary state trajectory can be approximated by a feasible state trajectory, whose distance from the original state trajectory is linearly related to the state constraint violation. It is then possible, for example, to give conditions for the state constraint Maximum Principle to apply in normal form (the cost multiplier can be taken non-zero), to establish regularity properties of the value function and to characterize it as the unique viscosity solution of the Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. While a great deal of attention has been given in the literature to conditions for metric regularity, cases in which the state constraint region is the complement of a collection of boxes with corners has not previous treated. Such cases are important because they arise in the optimal control of autonomous vehicles which are required to avoid box regions in the state space. This paper provides conditions for metric regularity that cover such situations.

META FORM name="PublicationForm"
FORM FIELD $title authors P.Bettiol and R.B.Vinter
FORM FIELD $title title Existence of feasible approximating trajectories for differential inclusions with obstacles as state constraints
FORM FIELD $title where Proc 48th Conference of Decision and Control, Shanghai
FORM FIELD $title pubdate Dec., 2009
FORM FIELD authors authors P.Bettiol and R.B.Vinter
FORM FIELD title title Existence of feasible approximating trajectories for differential inclusions with obstacles as state constraints
FORM FIELD where where Proc 48th Conference of Decision and Control, Shanghai
FORM FIELD pubdate pubdate Dec., 2009

Revision 108 Feb 2010 - Main.PatrickGosling

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[BV09] P.Bettiol and R.B.Vinter, Existence of feasible approximating trajectories for differential inclusions with obstacles as state constraints, Proc 48th Conference of Decision and Control, Shanghai, Dec., 2009


No abstract yet available.

META FORM name="PublicationForm"
FORM FIELD $title authors P.Bettiol and R.B.Vinter
FORM FIELD $title title Existence of feasible approximating trajectories for differential inclusions with obstacles as state constraints
FORM FIELD $title where Proc 48th Conference of Decision and Control, Shanghai
FORM FIELD $title pubdate Dec., 2009

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