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Revision 311 Apr 2014 - Main.ElaineMatthews

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META TOPICPARENT name="PublicationIndex"
<-- ThisIsAPublication -->


J..Rawlings and D.Q.Mayne,
J.B.Rawlings and D.Q.Mayne,
 Model Predictive Control: Theory and Design, Nob Hill Publishing, Madison Wisconsin, 533pp ISBN 978-0975937709, Aug., 2009
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META FORM name="PublicationForm"
FORM FIELD authors authors J..Rawlings and D.Q.Mayne
FORM FIELD authors authors J.B.Rawlings and D.Q.Mayne
FORM FIELD title title Model Predictive Control: Theory and Design
FORM FIELD where where Nob Hill Publishing, Madison Wisconsin, 533pp ISBN 978-0975937709
FORM FIELD pubdate pubdate Aug., 2009

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