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Revision 104 Apr 2014 - Main.ElaineMatthews

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META TOPICPARENT name="PublicationIndex"

<-- ThisIsAPublication -->

[CDDHCG12] D. Cieslar, P. Dickinson, A. Darlington, K. Hegarty, N. Collings and K. Glover, Mean-Value Oxygen Concentration Modelling and Experimental Validation Using Fast UEGO Sensors, Powertrain Modelling and Control, Bradford, Sep. 2012


Abstract not yet available

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META FORM name="PublicationForm"
FORM FIELD $title authors D. Cieslar, P. Dickinson, A. Darlington, K. Hegarty, N. Collings and K. Glover
FORM FIELD $title title Mean-Value Oxygen Concentration Modelling and Experimental Validation Using Fast UEGO Sensors
FORM FIELD $title where Powertrain Modelling and Control, Bradford
FORM FIELD $title pubdate Sep. 2012

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