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Revision 103 Oct 2011 - Main.RachelFogg

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META TOPICPARENT name="PublicationIndex"

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[IA11] T.Ionescu and A.Astolfi, Moment matching for linear port Hamiltonian systems, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, USA, Dec 2011


The problem of moment matching with preservation of port Hamiltonian structure is tackled. Based on the time-domain approach to linear moment matching, we characterize the (subset of) port Hamiltonian models from the set of parameterized models that match the moments of a given port Hamiltonian system, at a set of finite points. We also discuss the problem of finding port Hamiltonian reduced order models that match the Markov parameters of a given port Hamiltonian system.

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META FORM name="PublicationForm"
FORM FIELD $title authors T.Ionescu and A.Astolfi
FORM FIELD $title title Moment matching for linear port Hamiltonian systems
FORM FIELD $title where 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, USA
FORM FIELD $title pubdate Dec 2011

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