Project UT-D: Passivity Based Control
Manager: Malcolm Smith
Investigators: Malcolm Smith and Alessandro Astolfi
Research Staff: Jason Zheng Jiang (Research Associate) and Kameswarie Nunna (PHD)
Collaborators: Roger Goodall, Alejandra Matamoros-Sanchez, Argyrios Zolotas (Loughborough University) and David Angeli (Imperial)
Start date: 01/11/2009
Linked Projects: PS-B,
PS-E and
Summary. Passivity-based control methodologies exploit the fact that feedback and parallel interconnections of passive systems (systems without internal energy sources) are themselves passive. These ideas have been used time and again to generate powerful results, from the Circle and Popov criteria to the stability of adaptive control schemes and the design of nonlinear observers. This project is considering extensions of these ideas to enhance understanding of the design of control systems and taking examples from linked projects, e.g.
PS-E and
EET-C. A promising new direction of research on this topic emerged recently in the context of the control of mechanical systems, which led to a new mechanical device being proposed with applications in vehicle suspension control, motorcycle stability and vibration suppression. The new device, the “inerter”, allows the most general passive mechanical impedances to be physically realised, whereas there are restrictions when one is limited only to the traditional mechanical modelling elements. The inerter has already been successfully implemented in Formula One racing (see
news item). The approach has also opened up new fundamental questions in realisation theory, and connections with classical circuit synthesis.
*Current Status.*A new direction has been initiated involving collaboration with Loughborough University on the potential application of the inerter to train suspensions (see especially [JMZGS13], [JMGS12b]). Research has being undertaken on the topic of efficient realisation of passive mechanical controllers (see especially [JS11], [JS12a], [JS12b], [HS14]). Design trade-offs in energy regenerative suspensions were studied and a prototype developed [PSHM13]. A new proof of a power invariance property applicable to vehicle suspensions was found [CS12]. A new fluid based inerter device was proposed, modelled and tested experimentally [SSGPGH13].
T.C. Hughes and M.C. Smith,
On the minimality and uniqueness of the Bott-Duffinrealization procedure,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 59, pp1858-1873,
J.Z. Jiang, A.Z. Matamoros-Sanchez, A. Zolotas, R.M. Goodall and M.C. Smith,
Passive suspensions for ride quality improvement of two-axle railway vehicles,
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,
Dec 2013
L. Pires, M.C. Smith, N.E. Houghton and R.A. McMahon,
Design trade-offs for energy regeneration and control in vehicle suspensions,
International Journal of Control, Special Issue: Systems, Modelling and Feedback Control: A Special Issue Dedicated to Sir Alistair G.J. MacFarlane, Volume 86, No 11, pp2022-2034,
T.H. Hughes and M.C. Smith,
Algebraic criteria for circuit realisations,
Mathematical System Theory - Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Knut Huper and Jochen Trumpf (eds.), CreateSpace, 2013, ISBN 978-1470044008, pp. 211-228.,
S. J. Swift, M.C. Smith, A.R. Glover, C. Papageorgiou, B. Gartner and N.E. Houghton,
Design and modelling of a fluid inerter,
International Journal of Control, Special Issue: Systems, Modelling and Feedback Control: A Special Issue Dedicated to Sir Alistair G.J. MacFarlane, Volume 86, 11,
J.Z. Jiang, T.X. Mei and M.C. Smith,
Curving performance for railway vehicles with advanced passive suspensions,
IAVSD 2013, Qingdao, China, 19-23 August ,
J.Z. Jiang and M.C. Smith,
Series-parallel six-element synthesis of biquadratic impedances,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol.59 pp 2543-2554,
J.Z. Jiang and M.C. Smith,
On the theorem of Reichert,
Systems and Control Letters, Volume 61, pp 1124-1131,
J.Z. Jiang, A.Z. Matamoros-Sanchez, R.M. Goodall and M.C. Smith,
Passive suspensions incorporating inerters for railway vehicles,
Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 50, Supplement, pp 263-276,
J.M.C. Clark and M.C. Smith,
Power absorption invariance for Brownian spring forcing,
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10-13 Dec 2012 Hawaii, pp4396-4399,
J.Z. Jiang, A.Z. Matamoros-Sanchez, R.M. Goodall and M.C. Smith,
Performance benefits in two-axle railway vehicle suspensions employing inerters,
Developments in Control Theory towards Local Control, eds L. Qui, J. Chen, T. Iwasaki and H. Fujioka, IET, pp99-107,
A.Z. Matamoros-Sanchez, J.Z. Jiang, R.M. Goodall and M.C. Smith,
Effects of intertance in railway vehicles with active control,
23rd ICTAM Conference, Beijing,
A.Z. Matamoros-Sanchez, R.M. Goodall, A. Zolotas, J.Z. Jiang and M.C. Smith,
Stability control of a railway vehicle using absolute stiffness and inerters,
UKACC 2012, Cardiff, UK 3-5 September 2012, pp120-127,
J.Z.Jiang, R.M.Goodall and M.C.Smith,
Passive suspensions incorporating inerters for railway vehicles,
The 22nd IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Manchester, UK,
Aug 2011
J.Z.Jiang and M.C.Smith,
Regular positivee-real functions and five-element network synthesis for electrical and mechanical networks,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol 56, pp 1275-1290,
J.Z.Jiang and M.C.Smith,
Redundancies in transformerless network synthesis,
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary, pp 581-583,
July 2010
J.Z.Jiang and M.C. Smith,
On the classification of series-parallel electrical and mechanical networks,
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2010, Baltimore, MD, pp 1416-1421,
July 2010
J.Z.Jiang and M.C.Smith,
Regular positive-real functions and the classification of transformerless series-parallel networks,
Perspectives in Mathematical Theory, Control and Signal Processing, LNCIS Vol 398, pp15-25, Springer-Verlag,
Jason Z. Jiang and Malcolm C. Smith,
Synthesis of Positive-Real Functions with Low-Complexity Series-Parallel Networks,
48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, P.R. China, December 16-18, 2009, 7086-7091,
Dec 2009