Control For Energy and Sustainability

EPSRC Programme Grant

[SM11] R.C.Shekhar and J.M.Maciejowski, Robust variable horizon MPC with move blocking, Systems and Control Letters, Volume 61, Issue 4, pp 587-594, April 2012, submitted


This paper introduces a new formulation of variable horizon model predictive control (VH-MPC) that utilises move blocking for reducing computational complexity. Various results pertaining to move blocking are derived, following which, a generalised blocked VH-MPC controller is formulated for linear discrete-time systems. Robustness to bounded disturbances is ensured through the use of tightened constraints. The resulting time-varying control scheme is shown to guarantee robust recursive feasibility and finite-time completion. An example is then presented for a particular choice of blocking regime, as would be applicable to vehicle manœuvring problems. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the formulation.