Publications and Presentations
- N-gram posterior probability confidence measures for statistical machine translation: an empirical study. A. de Gispert, G. Blackwood, G. Iglesias, and W. Byrne. Machine Translation. 2012.
- Lattice-based minimum error rate training using weighted finite-state transducers with tropical polynomial weights. A. Waite, G. Blackwood, and W. Byrne. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP 2012), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, July 2012.
- Syntax-Based Word Ordering Incorporating a Large-Scale Language Model. Yue Zhang, Graeme Blackwood and Stephen Clark. Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-12), pp.736-746, Avignon, France, 2012. [PDF]
- Dealing with Input Noise in Statistical Machine Translation. Lluƒs Formiga and Josƒ© A.R. Rodrƒguez Fonollosa. (Also as TALP Technical Report [PDF])
- A Graph-based Strategy to Streamline Translation Quality Assessments. Daniele Pighin, Lluƒs Formiga, Lluƒs Mƒ rquez. [PDF]
- Improving English to Spanish Out-of-Domain Translations by Morphology Generalization and Generation. Lluƒs Formiga, Adolfo Hernandez, Jose B. Marino, and Enric Monte. [PDF (Page 6)]
- A Graphical Interface for MT Evaluation and Error Analysis. Meritxell Gonzƒ¡lez and Jesƒºs Gimƒ©nez and Lluƒs Mƒ rquez. [PDF]
- Using Parallel Features in Parsing of Machine-Translated Sentences for Correction of Grammatical Errors. Rudolf Rosa, Ond™ej Dušek, David Mareček, and Martin Popel [PDF]
- Dependency Relations Labeller for Czech. Rudolf Rosa, David Marecek, and Martin Popel [PDF]
- Formemes in English-Czech Deep Syntactic MT. Ondrej Dušek, Zdenek ‚abokrtsky, Martin Popel, Martin Majliš, Michal Novƒ¡k, and David Marec‚ek. [PDF]
- DEPFIX: A System for Automatic Correction of Czech MT Outputs. Rudolf Rosa, David Marec‚ek, Ondrej Dušek. [PDF]
- The UPC Submission to the WMT 2012 Shared Task on Quality Estimation. Daniele Pighin, Meritxell Gonzƒ¡lez and Lluƒs Mƒ rquez
- The TALP-UPC phrase-based translation systems for WMT12: Morphology simplification and domain adaptation.Lluis Formiga; Carlos A. Henrƒ¬quez Q.; Adolfo Hernƒ¡ndez; Josƒ¨ B. Mariƒ±o; Enric Monte; Josƒ¨ A. R. Fonollosa
- An Analysis (and an Annotated Corpus) of User Responses to Machine Translation Output. Daniele Pighin, Lluƒs Mƒ rquez and Jonathan May [PDF]
- The FAUST Corpus of Adequacy Assessments for Real-World Machine Translation Output Daniele Pighin, Lluƒs Mƒ rquez and Lluƒs Formiga [PDF
- The Joy of Parallelism with CzEng. Ond…™ej Bojar, Zden„›k ‚abokrtskƒ½, Ond…™ej Dušek, Petra Galuš„ƒ¡kovƒ¡, Martin Majliš, David Mare„ek, Ji…™ƒ Maršƒk, Michal Novƒ¡k, Martin Popel and Aleš Tamchyna PDF
- Pivot strategies as an alternative for statistical machine translation tasks involving Iberian languages Carlos A. Henriquez Q., Marta R. Costa-Jussƒ , Rafael Banchs, Lluis Formiga and Josƒ© B. Mariƒ±o. Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language NLP tasks. September 2011. Huelva, Spain [PDF]
- Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Representations. G. Iglesias, A. Allauzen, W. Byrne, A. de Gispert and M. Riley. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2011 [PDF]
- Syntax-Based Grammaticality Improvement using CCG and Guided Search.Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark. [PDF]
- Corroborating Text Evaluation Results with Heterogeneous Measures. Enrique Amigƒƒ‚³, Julio Gonzalo, Jesƒƒ‚ºs Gimƒƒ‚©nez and Felisa Verdejo [PDF][bib]
- Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation with Weighted Finite-State Transducers. Presented by EAMT 2010 Best Phd awardee Gonzalo Iglesias at the conference.
- Deriving translations units using small additional corpora. Carlos A. Henriquez Q., Josƒƒ‚© B. Mariƒƒ‚±o and Rafael E. Banchs. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Tranlation, 121--128, May, 2011. Leuven, Belgium.
- Two-step translation with grammatical post-processing . David Mareƒƒ„ƒ‚‚ekek, Rudolf Rosa, Ondƒƒ…™ej Bojar and Petra Galušƒƒ„ƒ‚‚ƒƒ‚¡kovƒƒ‚¡. Will be presented at WMT11. [PDF]
- Influence of Parser Choice on Dependency-Based MT. Martin Popel, David Mareƒƒ„ƒ‚‚ek, Nathan Green and Zdenƒƒ„›k ƒƒ…ƒ‚‚½abokrtskƒƒ‚½. Will be presented at WMT11. [PDF]
- Shift-reduce CCG Parsing [PDF]
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark
- Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Rich Non-local Features [PDF]
Yue Zhang and Joakim Nivre
- Automatic Projection of Semantic Structures: an Application to Pairwise Translation Ranking. Daniele Pighin and Lluƒƒ‚s Mƒƒ rquez. Proceedings of SSST-5, pages 1-9. [PDF],
Journal of Machine Translation
- Linguistic Measures for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation. Jesƒƒ‚ºs Gimƒƒ‚©nez and Lluƒƒ‚s Mƒƒ rquez. Machine Translation, 2010,Volume 24, Numbers 3-4, pages 209-240.[PDF]
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
- Combining Diverse Word-Alignment Symmetrizations Improves Dependency Tree Projection.David Marecek. [PDF]
- Multiclass Classification for Morphology Generation in Statistical Machine Translation. Adolfo Hernƒƒ‚¡ndez Huerta, Enric Monte Moreno, Josƒƒ‚© B. Mariƒƒ‚±o Acebal. FALA 2010 "VI Jornadas en Tecnologƒƒ‚a del Habla" and II Iberian SLTech Workshop, pages 179-182, Vigo, Spain, 10-12 November, 2010.
- UPC-BMIC-VDU system description for the IWSLT 2010: testing several collocation segmentations in a phrase-based SMT system. Carlos A. Henrƒƒ‚quez Q., Marta R. Costa-jussƒƒ , Vidas Daudaravicius, Rafael E. Banchs and Josƒƒ‚© B. Mariƒƒ‚±o. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 189--195, December, 2010
Softissimo Initial Analysis of Translation Feedback
Baseline System Descriptions for WMT 2010
- [UCAM] The CUED HiFST System for the WMT10 Translation Shared Task [PDF] [bib]
Juan Pino, Gonzalo Iglesias, Adriƒƒ de Gispert, Graeme Blackwood, Jamie Brunning and William Byrne
- [UPC] Using Collocation Segmentation to Augment the Phrase Table [PDF] [bib]
Carlos A. Henrƒƒ‚quez Q., Marta Ruiz Costa-jussƒƒ , Vidas Daudaravicius, Rafael E. Banchs and Josƒƒ‚© B. Mariƒƒ‚±o
- [CUNI] Maximum Entropy Translation Model in Dependency-Based MT Framework [PDF] [bib]
Zdenek Zabokrtsky, Martin Popel and David Marecek
- [CUNI] 2010 Failures in English-Czech Phrase-based MT [PDF] [bib]
Ondrej Bojar and Kamil Kos
- [UPC] Document-Level Automatic MT Evaluation based on Discourse Representations. [PDF] [bib]
Elisabet Comelles, Jesus Gimenez, Lluis Marquez, Irene Castellon and Victoria Arranz.
- [UCAM] Chart Pruning for Fast Lexicalised-Grammar Parsing. [PDF]
Yue Zhang, Byung-Gyu Ahn, Stephen Clark, Curt Van Wyk, James R. Curran and Laura Rimell
- Data Sparseness in Machine Translation Evaluation
Ondrej Bojar, Kamil Kos, and David Marecek
- FAUST: Feedback Analysis for User adaptive Statistical Translation – First Year Progress.
project overview poster
- Robust Estimation of Feature Weights in Statistical Machine Translation.
Cristina Espaƒƒ‚±a-Bonet and Lluƒƒ‚s Mƒƒ rquez
- A fast decoder for joint segmentation and POS tagging. [PDF]
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark
- © 2010 University of Cambridge Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ
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