2nd Workshop on Control of Uncertain Systems: Modelling, Approximation, and Design (GloverFest)
A workshop to mark the contributions of Professor Keith Glover to the control field on the occasion of his retirement
Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September 2013
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Sponsored by The MathWorks
Invited speakers: B.D.O. Anderson, K.J. Astrom, G. Balas, M. Cantoni, D.H. Cieslar, M.A. Dahleh, J.C. Doyle, G.E. Dullerud, B.A. Francis, P. Gahinet, M. Gevers, R. Hyde, P.A. Iglesias, S. Lall, L. Ljung, S. Mitter, M. Morari, R.M. Murray, A. Rantzer, J. Sefton, R. Sepulchre, M. Vidyasagar, G. Vinnicombe, K. Zhou.
General chair: M.C. Smith