Control For Energy and Sustainability

EPSRC Programme Grant

2nd Workshop on Control of Uncertain Systems: Modelling, Approximation, and Design (GloverFest)

A workshop to mark the contributions of Professor Keith Glover to the control field on the occasion of his retirement


Brian D O Anderson Formation Control: Uncertain Distances and Nonrobust Behavior

K. J. Åström Loop shaping from Bode to Glover

Gary J. Balas, Andrei Dorobantu, Tryphon Georgiou Closing the GAP Between Models and Data: A Flight Control Application

Michael Cantoni Robust stability analysis for feedback interconnections of open-loop unstable systems

Dariusz Cieslar IC Engine Control – the Challenge of Downsizing

Munther A Dahleh Resilience of Dynamical Transportation Networks

John Doyle Universal laws and architectures in networks: What would Keith do?

Geir E. Dullerud Automata-switched Systems: Centralized Control and Team Games

Bruce Francis When Physics and Control Theory Collide

Pascal Gahinet Robust Control meets Nonsmooth Optimization

Roland Hildebrand and Michel Gevers Closed-loop optimal experiment design: solution via moment extension

Rick Hyde The VAAC Harrier and H-infinity Loop Shaping - What Did We Learn?

Pablo A. Iglesias Control motifs in the hypoxic response of cells

Sanjay Lall Stochastic control of multi-player systems

Lennart Ljung Will Machine Learning Change the System Identification Paradigm?

Sanjoy K. Mitter Stochastic Dissipative Systems

Manfred Morari Fast Model Predictive Control

Richard M. Murray Feedback and Control in Biological Circuit Design

Anders Rantzer Scalable Robustness Analysis Using Integral Quadratic Constraints

James Sefton & Sylvain Champonnois Managing Transaction Costs in a Dynamic Trading Strategy

Rodolphe Sepulchre Loop shading, localised behaviours, and multi-resolution feedback systems

Mathukumalli Vidyasagar Near Ideal Behaviour of a Modified Elastic Net Algorithm in Compressed Sensing

Glenn Vinnicombe Information processing and control in biological systems; some fundamental limits

Kemin Zhou A System Approach to Investing in Uncertain Markets